Visited: 3/2/10
Ordered: Super Veggie Burrito
Cost:$ 5.75
Overall Description: A decent entry, but nothing earth-shattering. My order was placed w.o problems, however my companions encountered a language barrier. The kitsch of the place was nice, and this was a back up as La Quinta was closed.
Composition: (out of 5) 3.5 - It took a little while to get to the heart of this burrito, but when I got there, it was pretty good. A decent mix of flavors and consistencies, although nothing mind-blowing.
Ingredients: (out of 5) 3.5 - Probably almost a five if they didn't use lettuce, but the different parts of this burrito were generally quite tasty. They use a guacamole mix instead of straight avocado, but it's pretty chunky and avocado heavy. The beans, rice, cheese, etc. are all flavorful, and once I got into the heart of the burrito it was pretty enjoyable.
Size: (out of 3) 2 - Granted, I was hungry, but I finished this in one sitting.
Taste: (out of 10) 6.5 - This burrito definitely got better as I ate through it all, but was nothing amazing. More like, this is what a decent burrito should taste like - everything better is really good, anything worse is kind of crap.
Value: (out of 5) 3.5 - Almost a four - maybe to be re-evaluated, but while tasty, this didn't strike me as an amazing deal.
Total Score: (out of 28) 18 - Solid, decently priced burrito on mission st, but not anything special.
Additional Comments: Both meals my companions had were good, but not great. Chips and salsa were a little lacking, but the interior did have a mural. It looks like they were set up for an outside window, but aren't quite there yet. Also, there was a big fucking bag of carrots in the fridge: